Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland & Perry Counties (DVSCP) is a private, nonprofit organization, incorporated in May of 1990.
The agency was designated by the PA Coalition Against Domestic Violence (PCADV) as the sole provider of free and confidential emergency housing for adults and their children who experience domestic violence in Cumberland and Perry Counties.
All DVSCP free and confidential programs and services are available to anyone without discrimination or exclusivity. Staff ensure that everyone has equal access to essential programs and services to help keep them safe from an abuser.
Along with the Shelter, which is open and staffed 24/7/365, the agency also offers a 24-hour toll-free hotline (call or text), assistance obtaining a Protection From Abuse Order, adult and youth counseling and advocacy services, accompaniment to legal and/or medical proceedings, adult and youth support groups, education/community outreach, and AMEND, a batterers’ intervention program for male abusers.
DVSCP supports the empowerment of those who are experiencing domestic violence through the provision of equitable and inclusive direct services and the promotion of nonviolence through social and systems change.
We envision DVSCP as a culturally responsive organization committed to the eradication of domestic violence for all individuals.
DVSCP recognizes the pervasiveness of trauma and the impact it has on survivors, the community, and service providers. Services that recognize and respond to trauma are delivered in a way to reduce re-traumatization.
DVSCP is committed to ongoing training and education for staff, board, and volunteers to assure all services are professional, compassionate, and delivered through a lens of cultural humility.
DVSCP will be forthright, honest, and transparent in both its internal and external communications and interactions.
DVSCP embraces diversity, equity, and inclusion and works to create a community where all systems support all individuals.
DVSCP will maintain a healthy and safe workplace with a high priority on the health and well-being of staff, clients, and volunteers.
The official registration and financial information of Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland & Perry Counties may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania 1 (800) 732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
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