DVSCP’s Emergency Shelter is staffed 24/7/365 and is a safe home for domestic/intimate partner violence survivors and their dependent children who are in immediate danger or in a potentially lethal situation. It is equipped with a kitchen, ten resident rooms, four shared bathrooms, a common room and dining area, a large children’s playroom, and laundry facilities. The facility is open to anyone experiencing violence, including women, men, and children, as well as members of the LGBTQ+ community.
While in the shelter, residents work with staff to develop a safety plan and modest goals. Goals may include housing, employment, education, cash and medical assistance, filing a PFA, and any special needs identified. Staff provide trauma-informed empowerment counseling to help victims identify their options and the strengths they have, deal with emotional issues, and assist with self-care management.
The official registration and financial information of Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland & Perry Counties may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania 1 (800) 732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
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