AMEND is a batterers’ intervention program for male abusers comprised of 26 group sessions and 2 individual sessions. The program, offered via Zoom for Cumberland and Franklin County residents, is self-funded by participant fees. Weekly group session fees are set at program intake and are due at the beginning of each group session.
The sessions are guided by The Duluth Curriculum, Creating a Process of Change for Men Who Batter, which is nationally recognized as the foremost tool in batterers’ intervention services. The group is guided by the beliefs that:
Men are invited to examine the use of power and control and their beliefs and attitudes that underlie them. Additionally, men are given the opportunity to learn alternatives to violence and skills that promote safety, fairness, and equality in relationships.
Confidentiality is strictly maintained. No information revealed in group is disclosed to outside parties. Attendance, participation, completion or discharge date information is shared with partners and referral sources.
Anyone interested in registering for an upcoming session is encouraged to email or call 1-800-852-2102.
The official registration and financial information of Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland & Perry Counties may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania 1 (800) 732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
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