It is hard to overestimate the impact of domestic violence on children and youth.
DVSCP offers various services to help children who have experienced or witnessed violence in their homes.
DVSCP offers children over 5 years of age free and confidential counseling. The focus of children and youth counseling is to help young clients create safety plans, which include identifying safe and supportive people. The Child Counselor/Advocate helps clients deal with feelings, provides information that is age appropriate, explores their personal choices, and helps parents understand their children’s reaction to the trauma they have suffered.
Staff work with other agencies on behalf of our clients, assuring that all resources are accessed and that children are linked with appropriate services that DVSCP can’t provide.
Along with individual counseling, the agency offers a Youth Support Group, which provides services for children between the ages of 8-14, as well as a ‘Family Connections Support Group’ for both children and parents. The goal of the joint group, which meets quarterly, is to intentionally create bonding moments between parents and children through creative activities.
DVSCP also provides youth educational programming and outreach to local schools and community groups.
The official registration and financial information of Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland & Perry Counties may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania 1 (800) 732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
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