There are various forms of abuse a perpetrator can use to gain power and control over a victim. Physical abuse is often the most recognized; however, other forms of abuse such as emotional/psychological abuse can leave lasting scars as well. Knowing about the various forms can allow you to recognize and stop the abuse as soon as possible. All forms of abuse are illegal, although some are harder to prosecute than others. Many abusers will use a combination of the forms listed below to inflict pain on the victim.
This form of abuse shows the most outward signs. Physical abuse is any physical act or threat of a physical act designed to harm another person physically. This type of abuse includes actions like slapping, punching, hair-pulling and kicking. Physical evidence such as bruises need not exist for the act to be physical abuse.
This type of abuse is likely the most common. Emotional abuse consists of any behavior designed to hurt another person mentally. Psychological abuse includes yelling, threats, shaming, humiliation and shaming, among other tactics.
Sexual abuse is often perpetrated against women although men and member of the LGBTQ+ community can be victims too. Sexual abuse includes any unwanted sexual act forced on the victim. This form of abuse is also often known as sexual assault or rape. Sexual abuse can include anything from unwanted touching to forced intercourse or forced sexual contact with another person.
Verbal abuse is generally a form of psychological abuse. This type of abuse occurs when an abuser uses words and body language with the intent to hurt another person. Verbal abuse includes put-downs, name-calling and unreasonable criticisms.
Often seen alongside other forms of abuse, financial abuse is when one person restricts access to money from another. It includes actions like cutting off access to bank accounts, controlling where someone is allowed to work and preventing access to financial information.
This type of abuse happens between an elder and another person, typically younger, such as the elder’s child. Elder abuse consists of other forms of abuse perpetrated against an elder. This form of abuse often consists of financial, emotional and even physical abuse.
Spiritual abuse revolves around a person’s spirituality or religion. This type of abuse includes attacking another’s belief system, denying access to a house of worship or forced participation in a cult.
Isolation usually starts with subtle remarks or actions, but this abusive technique often escalates quickly – preventing the victim from seeing friends or family, or even preventing them from going to work. By isolating them from the outside world causes the survivor to feel like they have no one to talk to about the abuse they are experiencing, leaving them without a support system during their greatest time of need.
The official registration and financial information of Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland & Perry Counties may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania 1 (800) 732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.
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